HomeGroup Tour9D Let’s Go Dongbei, Changchun, Snow Town & Harbin Winter Town

9D Let’s Go Dongbei, Changchun, Snow Town & Harbin Winter Town

GatewayFamily Holiday


Discover Northeast China’s winter magic, from Jilin’s rime scenery to Harbin’s Ice and Snow World. Experience Snow Town’s charm and Yabuli’s world-class skiing.

$ From $1,899 $2,699per person (twin-sharing) ON SALE

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Europe : (+65) 6532 5322

Asia/Aus/Nz/Exotic/China: (+65) 6255 8086

Opening Hours

Mon to Sat: 11am - 8pm

Sun and PH: 12pm - 6pm

  • Gather at Singapore Changi Airport and take a flight to the northeastern city of Changchun. Upon arrival, head to a store to pick up thermal underwear and buy cold-weather gear suitable for the local climate. Check-in at the hotel and rest. 

Accommodation: FourPoint by Sheraton Changchun or similar 


  • 齐聚新加坡樟宜机场搭乘航班,前往东北城市长春。抵达后前往棉服店领取保暖内衣及购买适合当地气候的御寒用品, 入住酒店休息。


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner 

  • Manchukuo Palace - The palace where Aisin Gioro Puyi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, served as a puppet emperor during the time of the Japanese-occupied Manchukuo. He lived here from 1932 to 1945. The palace today has been restored to reflect the environment in which Puyi lived and worked. 
  • Changbai Island - In winter, migratory waterfowl and rime ice combine to create a stunning view that attracts thousands of tourists from across China. A wetland park has been built on the island. 
  • View of the Longtan Mountain nightscape. 

Accommodation: Jilin Ziguangyuan Ramada Hotel or similar 


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 伪满皇宫 - 清朝末代皇帝爱新觉罗·溥仪充当伪满洲国傀儡皇帝时的宫殿,他从1932年到1945年间曾在这里居住。如今这里还原了溥仪曾经生活和工作的环境。
  • 长白岛 - 每年冬天,越冬水禽与雾凇相得益彰,吸引全国各地数以万计的游客前来观赏。长白岛现建设一处湿地公园。
  • 远观龙潭山夜景


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner 

  • Rime Ice on the Songhua River - Jilin is known as the “Capital of Rime Ice in China,” where the banks of the Songhua River are covered in silver-white frost every winter, creating a fairy-tale-like landscape. 
  • *Note: Natural phenomenon, dependent on weather and temperature. 
  • Jingpo Lake - The largest mountain dam lake in China and the second largest in the world. It was named for its mirror-like surface. You can enjoy the ice waterfall at the Diaoshuilou Waterfall and experience the fun of winter fishing. (Including electric car ride) 

Accommodation: Shimao Holiday Hotel or similar 


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 松花江畔雾凇 - 吉林素来就有中国“雾凇之都”美誉,每年一到冬天,整个松花江两岸银装素裹,树缕银丝,洁白素雅,宛如童话世界般。就吸引着世界各地的游客来到这边旅游。
  • *注意:自然现象,必须根据天气气温状况。
  • 镜泊湖 - 中国最大、世界第二大高山堰塞湖。清初宁古塔流入以湖水照人如镜而命名为镜泊湖。观赏吊水楼冰瀑,还可以观看冬捕的乐趣。(含电瓶车) 


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner 

  • Snow Town Scenic Area - Located at the junction of Zhangguangcai Ridge and Laoye Ridge in the Changbai Mountains, this area spans 17,916 hectares at an altitude of 1,100 meters. Snow falls from October to April, with snow depth reaching up to 2 meters. The snow forms into various shapes, creating a magical winter wonderland that is unique in the world. 
  • Xueyun Street - The main street of Snow Town, featuring large red lanterns and small shops offering a variety of local food. There are no streetlights or cars. 
  • Bonfire Party - A daily bonfire party where visitors from all over gather around a blazing fire, enjoying music, dancing, and a warm atmosphere that adds to the excitement of Snow Town. 

Accommodation: First Guesthouse in Snow Town or similar 


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 雪乡旅游风景区 - 座落于长白山脉张广才岭与老爷岭的交汇处,占地面积17916公顷。每年十月开始降雪至次年四月,雪期长达7个月,积雪厚度可达2米左右。
  • 雪韵大街 - 是雪乡的主街道,这里没有路灯,也没有来回穿梭的车辆,有的是高高悬挂的大红灯笼和弥漫着各种食材香味儿的特色小店。
  • 篝火晚会 - 雪乡每天都会举办篝火晚会,来自天南地北的游客围着熊熊燃烧的篝火,动感的节拍,热情的舞蹈,不仅驱走了寒冷,也将雪乡的狂欢推向了高潮。
  • *注意:晚会活动时间以当天雪乡通知为准。


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner 

  • Yabuli International Ski Resort - Located in the southern part of Yabuli Town, this resort is known for its excellent snow quality and moderate snow hardness. With a snow season lasting 170 days, it’s perfect for skiing from mid-November to late March. In addition to skiing, activities like snow tubing and snowmobiles are also available. The Winter Universiade and other international events are often held here. 

Accommodation: Yabuli Forest Resort Hotel or similar 


早餐 | 午餐| 晚餐

  • 亚布力国际滑雪场 - 这里雪质优良、硬度适中,每年的11月中旬至次年3月下旬是滑雪佳期。还有玩雪圈、雪地摩托等项目,亚冬会等国际赛事常在这里举办。
  • *注意:不包含滑雪度假区付费活动,自由自费参加。


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner 

  • Volga Manor - Located near Harbin, this unique collection of Russian-style buildings includes more than 30 classic structures. You’ll visit the St. Nicholas Church, Pushkin Exhibition Hall, and St. Peter’s Castle. 

Accommodation: Crown Plaza Hotel or similar 


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 伏尔加庄园 - 位于哈尔滨近郊阿什河畔,建设了30多座经典的俄式建筑,形成了世界上独一无二的俄式建筑群。曾经消失的建筑物重新的耸立在世人的眼前。参观圣尼古拉教堂/ 普希金展览馆/ 圣彼得城堡。


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner 

  • Sun Island Snow Sculpture Art Expo - The birthplace of Chinese snow sculpture art and a key part of Harbin’s International Ice and Snow Festival. The exhibition lasts 60- 70 days each year and is considered the world’s largest ice and snow carnival. 
  • Harbin Ice and Snow World - Established in 1999, this massive ice and snow art exhibition is a major tourist attraction, receiving over a million visitors annually. It’s one of Harbin’s iconic landmarks and a popular destination for winter tourism. 
  • *Note: Ice and Snow World and Sun Island Snow Sculpture Park open around December 20; if not open due to weather, other attractions will replace them (Ice and Snow World will be replaced by the Indoor Ice Dreamland, Snow Sculpture Park will be replaced by the Siberian Tiger Park). 

Accommodation: Crown Plaza Hotel or similar 


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 太阳岛雪雕博览会 - 是中国雪雕艺术的发源地,是中国哈尔滨国际冰雪节的重要组成部分,也是哈尔滨冬季旅游的最大亮点之一。每年雪博会的展出周期长(60-70天),质量高, 规模大,所以号称“世界上最大的冰雪狂欢嘉年华”。
  • 哈尔滨冰雪大世界 - 始创于1999年,是由哈尔滨市政府为迎接千年庆典神州世纪游活动,凭借哈尔滨的冰雪资源优势, 而推出的大型冰雪艺术精品工程,年接待游客超过百万人次。如今的哈尔滨冰雪大世界,早已成为哈尔滨亮丽的城市名片、国内冬季热门的景区、国际知名冰雪旅游品牌。
  • *注意:冰雪大世界及太阳岛雪雕每年预计12月20日左右开园,如因天气等原因没开选用其他景点替换。(冰雪大世界由室内冰雪梦幻馆替换,雪雕由东北虎林园替换) 



  • Central Street - A historic commercial street over 100 years old, lined with European-style architecture and various stores. At night, the street is beautifully illuminated, making it a must-see spot in Harbin. 
  • Saint Sophia Cathedral - Built in 1907, this well-preserved Byzantine-style church is now an architectural museum. Visitors often refer to it as the “Saint Sophia Cathedral” even though its official name is the Harbin Architecture Art Museum. (Exterior visit.) 
  • *Note: Single bus trips will be arranged in the morning and evening to the hotel. 

Accommodation: Crown Plaza Hotel or similar 



  • 哈尔滨中央大街 - 这条拥有超过百年历史的商业街荟萃着许多经典的欧式建筑,也开满了各种百货商店,每到夜晚整条街被灯光渲染得流光溢彩,是哈尔滨必体验之地。
  • 圣索菲亚教堂 - 始建于1907年,是目前中国保存较为完整的拜占庭式建筑,在1997年就更名为“哈尔滨市建筑艺术馆”, 但无论是当地人,还是外地游客,更愿意称它为“圣索菲亚大教堂”。(外观) 
  • *注意:安排早上单趟巴士酒店出发,晚上单趟巴士回酒店。



  • Arrive in Singapore. 



  • 抵达新加坡。


  • Sun Island Snow Sculpture Expo & Harbin Ice Festival - The ultimate winter spectacle of ice, snow, and lights
  • Free Day in Harbin


  • Changchun: Puppet Manchurian Palace 
  • Jilin: Changbai Island, Rime Scenery by Songhua River
  • Snow Town: Snow Town, Xueyun Street, Snow Town Night Show
  • Yabuli: Yabuli International Ski Resort
  • Harbin: Volga Manor, St. Nicholas Church, Pushkin Exhibition Hall, St. Peter’s Castle, Sun Island Snow Sculpture Expo, Ice and Snow World, St. Sophia Cathedral, Central Street


  • 8 Breakfast | 6 Lunch | 6 Dinner
  • Specialty Meals: Authentic Russian Cuisine 


  • Local 5-Star Hotel
  • 3 nights upgrade to international 5-star hotel
  • 1 night stay at Snow Town Homestay
  • 1 night stay at Yabuli Resort Hotel


  • Warmth Essentials Set (5 items): Hat, Scarf, Gloves, Cotton Socks, Anti-Slip Chains


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