HomeGroup Tour13D Let's Go North Xinjiang Scenic Tour

13D Let's Go North Xinjiang Scenic Tour

CoupleExclusive TourExperiences


Discover North Xinjiang’s breathtaking landscapes, from the alpine beauty of Kanas Lake and Sayram Lake to the vast Nalati Grassland. Explore ancient villages, unique Yadan landforms, and the mystical Devil’s City.

$ From $2,499 $3,499per person (twin-sharing) ON SALE

For booking inquiries

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Europe : (+65) 6532 5322

Asia/Aus/Nz/Exotic/China: (+65) 6255 8086

Opening Hours

Mon to Sat: 11am - 8pm

Sun and PH: 12pm - 6pm

  • Gather at Changi International Airport on time and take a luxurious flight with a transfer to Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.


  • 依时齐集樟宜国际机场,乘搭豪华客机经转机飞往新疆维吾尔自治区首府“乌鲁木齐”。


  • Upon arrival, a local professional guide will meet you and transfer you to a restaurant for lunch. Afterward, check-in at the hotel for rest and free time.



  • 抵达后由当地专业导游接待送往餐厅用餐。午餐后入住酒店休息和自由活动。

Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

  • Tian Shan Tianchi - A famous lake in Xinjiang, with an altitude of 1910 meters above sea level. (Includes shuttle bus/electric vehicle/boat - approximately 2 hours of sightseeing)
  • Karamay Hoofed Animal Protection Area (Viewing)
  • Fuyun - Located in the northern part of Xinjiang, in the eastern part of the Altai region, near the Ertix River, bordering Mongolia to the north and neighboring Qinghe County to the

Accommodation: Doubletree By Hilton or similar


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 天山天池 - 天山天池是中国新疆维吾尔自治区著名湖泊。湖面海拔1910米,南北长3.5公里,东西宽0.8~1.5公里,最深处103米。(含区间车、电瓶车、游船-景区游览约2小时)
  • 卡拉麦里有蹄类保护区(途观)
  • 富蕴 - 地处新疆维吾尔自治区北部,阿勒泰地区东端,额尔齐斯河上游,北部与蒙古国接壤,东临青河县,西接福海县,南延准噶尔盆地,隶属于新疆维吾尔自治区。


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

  • Keketohai Scenic Area (Also known as Ertix Grand Canyon) - The source of the famous Ertix River in northern Xinjiang. The scenic area is about 20 kilometers long, with multiple attractions such as birch forests, Shenshanzhen, hot springs, and more, all along the Ertix River. (Includes shuttle bus - approximately 2 hours of sightseeing)
  • Five-colored Beach Scenic Area - With cliffs, undulating mountains, and ever-changing colors, this landform is shaped by the erosive forces of strong river currents and wind, making it a magical sight with brilliant colors. It is named "Five-colored Beach" for this reason.
  • Buerjin - A small town in northern Xinjiang with unique scenery due to its proximity to Russia. The colorful spire-rooted cottages resemble a fairy-tale world and are located by the Ertix River, attracting tourists from all over the world.

Accommodation: Staff Sergeant International Hotel or similar


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 可可托海景区(即额尔齐斯大峡谷景区)- 北疆著名河流额尔齐斯河的源头所在地,景区长约二十几公里,其中有桦树林、水磨沟、神钟山、温泉等十几个景点,都沿着额尔齐斯河边。(含区间车、景区游览约2小时)
  • 五彩滩景区 - 有悬崖的地形,山势起伏,颜色多变,在激流河水的冲刷切割与狂风侵蚀下,更显得地貌神奇,色彩艳丽,“五彩滩”因而得名。
  • 布尔津 -这座北疆的小县城因其靠近俄罗斯而风光独特,各色尖顶宛若童话世界的小屋依靠在额尔齐斯河,吸引着来自世界各地游人。


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

  • Hemu Scenic Area - Located about 30 kilometers east of Kanas Lake in the Altai region, this small village is inhabited by Kazakhs and Tuvan people. The simple wooden houses are scattered across the valley, where local ethnic groups engage in traditional farming activities, creating a peaceful, ancient atmosphere. (Includes shuttle bus)
  • Hemu Viewing Platform - Overlooking the Hemu Village and Hemu River, offering breathtaking views of the colorful mountains in autumn.
  • Tuvan People's Village - A settlement of the Tuvan people, one of the ancient nomadic tribes of northern China. (Includes home visit)

Accommodation: Hongfu Lake Kanas Resort or similar


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 禾木景区 - 位于北疆阿勒泰地区布尔津县,喀纳斯湖东侧约30公里处,是一个由哈萨克人和图瓦人共同聚居的小村庄。禾木村中所有房屋都是朴素的小木屋,散落分布在山间谷地里,当地少数民族同胞在院子里劳作,显得古朴安静。(含区间车)
  • 禾木观景台 - 俯视禾木村以及禾木河的全景,最出名的就是万山红遍的醉人景色。
  • 图瓦人村庄 - 一群图瓦人生息繁衍,他们是中国北方古老游牧民族之 。(含家访)


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

  • Kanas Scenic Area - The only place in China with a European-like ecosystem, where the blue sky, white clouds, ice peaks, snow-capped mountains, forests, rivers, and Kanas Lake combine into a beautiful natural landscape. (Includes shuttle bus)
  • Fish Viewing Pavilion - From this pavilion on the west side of Kanas Lake, enjoy an overall view of the lake. Three-quarters of the lake surface can be seen. (Includes eco-friendly vehicle)
  • Kanas Lake - Known for its mystic bays, such as Immortal Bay, Sleeping Dragon Bay, and Moon Bay. (Includes boat tour)

Accommodation: Staff Sergeant International Hotel or similar


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 喀纳斯景区 -中国唯一具欧洲生态系统的地方,这里蓝天,白云,冰峰,雪岭,森林,河流与喀纳斯湖交相辉映,湖光山色融位一体,可说是西域之佳景。(含区间车)
  • 观鱼亭 -登上喀纳斯湖西边的观鱼亭,观赏喀纳斯湖的整体美景,四份之三的湖面尽收眼底。(含环保车上下)
  • 喀纳斯湖 - 主要欣赏神迷的神仙湾、卧龙湾、月亮湾。(含游船)


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

  • Haliu Beach Grassland (Viewing)
  • Urho Devil City - Known for its Yadan landforms, this area is located in the northwest of the Junggar Basin in Xinjiang. It is characterized by peculiar formations shaped by wind erosion and is a UNESCO heritage site. (Includes shuttle bus)
  • Kuitun - Located at the southern edge of the Junggar Basin, it is a growing industrial and commercial city, recognized as a national center for e-commerce and logistics.

Accommodation: Xigema International Hotel or similar


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 乌尔禾魔鬼城- 乌尔禾风城,又称魔鬼城,是典型的雅丹地貌区域,位于新疆维吾尔自治区准噶尔盆地西北边缘的佳木河下游乌尔禾矿区,呈西北、东西走向,截至2016年09月17日,长宽约在5公里以上,方圆约10平方公里,地面海拔350米左右。(含区间车)
  • 奎屯 - 位于天山北麓准噶尔盆地西南缘,东与沙湾县接壤,西与乌苏市毗邻,北与克拉玛依市相接,南与克拉玛依市独山子区相连。荣获国家新型工业化示范基地、国家电子商务示范基地和新疆商贸物流中心城市等荣誉称号的新兴工商业城市。


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

  • Sayram Lake - The highest and largest alpine freshwater lake in Xinjiang, known as the "Tears of an Angel" or "Clean Sea" for its crystal-clear waters. (Includes shuttle bus)
  • Guozi Pass - Famous for its winding roads, steep cliffs, and fields of wildflowers. (Viewing)
  • Lavender Farm - Yili is known as the "Lavender Capital" of China, where vast lavender fields create a purple sea during blooming season. (Only arranged in June-July)
  • Yining - The capital of the Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, a major industrial and trade center in the Yili River Valley. Many tourists use Yining as a stopover on their way to explore Xinjiang.

Accommodation: Rezen Hotel or similar


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 赛里木湖- 新疆海拔最高、面積最大的高山冷水湖,有天使的眼淚之稱和古稱“淨海”以其湖水清澈透底,透明度達12米為名。(含区间车)
  • 果子沟 - 伊犁第一景,这里道路曲折盘旋,陡崖壁立野花烂漫。(途观)
  • 薰衣草庄园 -伊犁也是中国薰衣草之乡,伊犁河谷上万亩薰衣草田汇成一片紫色海洋。(只限 6-7月花期安排)
  • 伊宁-伊宁市是伊犁哈萨克自治州的首府,是伊犁河谷内重要的物资集散地和工业中心。因为伊宁地处黄金旅游线上,许多游客都把伊宁作为来新疆旅游的中转站。


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

  • Nalati Grassland - One of the four largest mountain-valley grasslands in the world, located in the Tianshan mountains, with a total area of 1,848 square kilometers. It is one of China's 5A-level tourist destinations and is ranked among the six most beautiful grasslands in China by National Geographic. (Includes shuttle bus/one-way cable car/ horseback riding - approximately 4 hours of sightseeing)

Accommodation: Xinjiang Cultural Tourism Nalati Resort Hotel or similar


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 那拉提大草原 - 世界四大高山河谷草原之一,位于新疆天山腹地,伊犁河谷东端,规划总面积1848平方公里,是中国5A级旅游景区,被《中国国家地理》杂志评全国六大最美草原之一。(含区间车、单程观光索道、骑马 -景区游览约4小时)


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

  • Tekes Bagua City - Tekes is renowned for its unique "Bagua" city layout. It is the only city in the world built in this pattern, and it was named a National Historical and Cultural City in 2007.
  • Kazanchi Folk Tourism Area - Features traditional ethnic courtyards and a variety of cultural activities, showcasing the rich customs of the local minorities. (Includes horse-drawn carriage, song and dance performance, and ice cream tasting)

Accommodation: Rezen Hotel or similar


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 特克斯八卦城 - 特克斯县城以独特的“八卦”城建布局,又名”八卦城”,是世界唯一建筑正规、保存完整的八卦城,2001年荣膺大世界吉尼斯之最,2007年被命名为国家历史文化名城。
  • 喀赞其民俗旅游区 - 景区以少数民族特色庭院为亮点,吸引游客体验当地风情。旅游区内存在上百家传统手工作坊,展示着当地丰富多彩的民俗文化。(含马车、歌舞、品尝冰淇淋)


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

  • Erdaoqiao International Bazaar - Located at the southern end of the Tianshan Mountains, this is the largest bazaar in the world, blending modern and traditional Islamic architecture.
  • Hongshan Park - A comprehensive natural park offering scenic views and classical charm, one of the new sights of Urumqi.
  • *Note: Luggage will be sent back to Urumqi by vehicle for convenience while traveling on the train.

Accommodation: Hantang Hotel or similar


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 二道桥国际大巴扎 - 天山区南端的二道桥商业圈,是世界规模最大的大巴扎。是一片现代与古代相结合的伊斯兰风格的街区,蓝色与银色的穹隆形屋顶气派而华丽,是“新疆之窗”、“中亚之窗”和“世界之窗”。
  • 红山公园 -是一座集旅游观光、古典特色一体的综合性自然山体公园,也是乌鲁木齐市新十景之一。
  • *注意:行李车载送大行李回乌鲁木齐,免提上列车。



  • Bid farewell to beautiful Xinjiang and take a dedicated transfer to the airport.
  • Fly back to Singapore, where we hope you had a pleasant vacation arranged by L.G.E. We look forward to your next visit.
  • *Note: Morning Flight departure arrival in Singapore on the same day.



  • 今天告别美丽的新疆,专车送往机场,乘搭豪华客机经转机城市飞返温馨家园-新加坡。
  • 希望在L.G.E的安排下,伴您度过一个愉快的假期!期待您的再次光临。
  • *注意:早班机当天抵达新加坡。



  • 抵达新加坡。


  • Tian Shan Tianchi - A stunning high-altitude lake
  • Urho Devil City - A UNESCO-listed Yadan landform
  • Nalati Grassland - One of the most beautiful mountain-valley grasslands in the world
  • Sayram Lake - The "Tears of an Angel"
  • Hemu Village - A serene Tuvan village


  • Xinjiang Tianshan Tianchi: A paradise on Earth, every step offers a new view, every road is a painting.
  • Kanas Lake: Little Switzerland of the East, the last pure land for humanity in the 21st century.
  • Five-colored Beach: Xinjiang's most beautiful Yadan landform.
  • Hemu Village: An earthly paradise, a photographer's heaven.
  • Buerjin: A small Russian-style town.
  • Devil's City: The filming location of the Oscar-winning movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
  • Yining: Known as a garden city, the homeland of fruits, and a southern beauty beyond the Great Wall.
  • Sayram Lake: The largest alpine freshwater lake in Xinjiang.
  • Nalati Sky Grassland: One of the four major grasslands in the world.
  • Tekes Bagua City: The only Bagua City in the world with a regular architectural layout and well-preserved structure.


  • 10 Breakfast | 10 Lunch | 9 Dinner
  • Specialty Meals: Roasted Lamb


  • Local 4-star / 5-star Hotels


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